Performance Dialogue 360™
Overcome Ineffective Performance Management!
Take On the Challenge of Performance Management
For too long now companies have been struggling with Performance Management. Unfortunately when you mention Performance Management, many employees, managers and often the HR team wince because most of them have had a number of less than stellar experiences with performance management throughout their careers.
Replace the Anguish and Pain with a New Path Forward
Many companies are fully befuddled by their Performance Management Process. Just the mention of it causes rolling eyes, an increase in cynicism and a begrudging obligation to do it. Sincerely, it is truly amazing how few companies strategically and effectively implement a Performance Management System.
This is especially disconcerting as Performance Management is one of those Core Processes that truly helps make a company successful. The Performance Management process is what ultimately keeps the employees focused and aligned to organizational goals. It also is the process in which employees are provided official feedback, developed and recognized for their contribution to the organization.
Ask the right questions
With all the so-called experts and all the myriad of opinions/resources on Performance Management, you would think companies would actually be doing effective Performance Management. Instead companies now seem to be changing their Performance Management Systems every other year. Annually we get books and articles from alleged authorities on why and how Performance Management should be eliminated.
Companies keep looking for the perfect technology tool, ratings scale, set of leadership competencies or Annual Evaluation form to fix the problem. But all of these proposed solutions just mask the underlying problem. The proper questions is: “What requisite skills, habits and capability does the organization need to do effective Performance Management?”
Do you want effective Performance Management?
Do you want feedback to be given in your organization freely and in the moment for greatest impact?
Do you want actual high trust in your organization?
Do you want an organization where there are no elephants in the room?
Do you want your employees to be able to give and
receive honest feedback with each other without fear
of retaliation or damage to reputations?
Do you want to avoid the “meeting after the meeting”
scenarios and passive-aggression at your company?
Wouldn’t it be great to end all those activities and conversations that waste time and undermine effectiveness?
Do you really want a High-Performing Organization?
Don’t Change Your Performance Management Systems Change the Way You Use It!
Seriously, stop for a moment at looking to change forms, technology platforms and rating scales and look to getting the organizational capability and capacity to do great Performance Management. Although forms, rating scales and technology have their place—nothing is more important than the dialogue, discussions and the meaningful conversations that go into, through and around Performance Management. In fact, with the right skillset in place, great Performance Management can be done on a napkin.
Meet the Cure for Effective Performance Management: Performance Dialogue 360™
It is time for Effective Performance Management
Denisoff Consulting Group is pleased to deliver Performance Dialogue 360™ to your organization to ensure an effective Performance Management process. (And quite frankly to improve meetings, accountability, and increase trust throughout your organization.
This is done through the promise and process of everyone in your organization attaining true mastery in one skill—the ability to provide and receive robust, authentic and honest feedback in the moment.
This is far beyond basic feedback giving, ferocious conversations, development discussions, corrective actions, performance reviews or spot coaching. It is about developing a culture of high-performance through the regular flow of continuous feedback. Best yet, it maximizes existing processes and systems.
Performance Dialogue 360™ is an epic organizational transformation program that leverages the power of Performance Dialogue, Feedback and 360 Assessments to ensure true and effective Performance Management. Through the Performance Dialogue 360™ engagement, organizations radically cultivate transparency, stealth capacity and effective behavior from the executive suite to the copy room. Team efficiency and morale are bolstered as managers are no longer weighed downed by avoiding tough issues, communication breakdowns, and the lack of candid feedback.
Results and ROI include:
- Effective Daily Performance Management practice, habits and processes.
- Radically improved business perfromance due the rapid flow of honest, open communication and feedback – and improved collaboration – across the organization.
- A significant increase in the quantity and quality of Meaningful
- Conversations across all levels of the organization.
- A decrease in the culture killers of passive-aggression, secret meetings, gossip and backbiting
- Intense leadership development due to the exchange of pertinent and real-time feedback
- A healthy and robust culture committed to excellence
Performance Dialogue 360™ ™ is a multi-month enterprise-wide program that innovates on the traditional feedback and 360 processes. It transforms all people in the organization to develop powerful communication and trust-building skills. The net is an organization where feedback and essential information can be given and received freely, honestly and in real-time. This includes the ability and the everyday practice of skillfully and gracefully Giving and Receiving feedback while concurrently prioritizing leadership development. It shifts from the dependence of using outdated artificial processes back to freely giving quality feedback and leveraging collaborative skills in a culture where constructive feedback is transacted in real-time
Become a High-Performing Organization Through the Constant Flow of Honest Feedback
In addition to improving Performance Management by implementing the Performance Dialogue 360™ your organization will also improve its ability to:
In addition to improving Performance Management by
implementing the Performance Dialogue 360™ your
organization will also improve its ability to:
- Increase Profits
- Significantly decrease wasted time, wasted costs and wasted effort
- Push your Employee Engagement scores through the roof
- Fill the Leadership Pipeline with mature and evolved leaders
- Improve Retention
How to Get to the Performance Dialogue 360 and Start the Flow of Giving and Receiving feedback
To pull this off a fairly robust transformation must take place. But this transformation is different than most culture or change programs because it is very tangible rallying the employees around a specific critical skillset – that of Giving and Receiving constructive feedback. In fact, the effort is not concentrated on changing the culture but rather is laser-focused on improving the ability of everyone in the organization to give and receive feedback in a constructive and positive manner in real-time.
As these skills are mastered throughout the organization, the culture is positively transformed in a significant and powerful way that leads only to improved business results. The process begins by “preparing the ground,” increasing safety, and training in interpersonal communications and conflict resolution. Participants make commitments to engage, and are launched on the Performance Dialogue 360™ path.
The Performance Dialogue 360™ Phases- Overview
Phase 1: Where Are We- Discovery
- Organizational Assessment on Capability of Giving and Receiving Feedback & Performance Management Systems
- Assessment of Leadership Team
- Mapping, Orientation and Buy-In of Leadership Team
- Employee Engagement and Involvement
- How to Leverage the Just-in Time World for Constructive Feedback
Phase2: Where We Want to Go
- Organization is Re-Oriented towards the Safety needed and Power in Giving and Receiving Feedback
- Feedback for Learning and Accountability
- Basic Training in Giving & Receiving Constructive Feedback
- Old non-constructive habits are identified and replaced by new constructive communications habits
- Individual, Team and Company Action Plans are created
- FeedForward Sessions are Introduced
- Pulse Surveys on Feedback are introduced
- Integrated with the Performance Dialogue360
- Classes provided; Manager as Coach & Coaching Through Questions
Phase 3: Making it Happen- Shifting to Real-Time Feedback
- Provide Real-time Observation and Coaching 360 is provided in which there is no anonymity accorded to the feedback
- Feedback Sessions and Methodology Introduced
- Meaningful Conversations Project is introduced
- Classes provided; Interpersonal Skills & Having Tough Conversations
- Identify and Track Improvement Metrics on Business
- Practice Sessions in standing meetings
Phase 4: Sustainability and Keeping It up
- Integration with other core HR Processes- Succession Planning, HiPo Program, Development
- Measurement., Metrics and Dashboards
- Continue Pulse Surveys
- Final Training
The Performance Dialogue 360™ is based on the upcoming book: Performance Dialogue 360: Transforming your Organization through Totally Open and Honest Feedback by Michael T. Denisoff.
One of the Inspirational Moments Behind Performance Dialogue 360™
A few years back I was watching an amazing documentary on the US Navy’s Blue Angels, the elite flight demonstration squadron. As everybody knows, the Blue Angels are just tremendous. Obviously everything they do is incredible. But as I watched I was most struck by the team dynamic of the crew. You see, they are so good at what they do it is too easy to forget that if they make even one minor mistake lives will be lost. So I was intrigued by how they worked together and communicated with one another. Specifically, I was curious about how they built the trust needed to fly at mach-one speeds with their wings just eight inches apart.
But needless to say, the trust between the pilots was as high as can be. It had to be or the whole Blue Angels idea would simply not work. There are many studies and books on the importance of trust in the workplace. Common sense will rightly tell you that organizations that have high trust will perform significantly better than organizations with low trust.
There are many good ways to build trust in organizations such as basic truth telling, meeting commitments and nurturing transparency. But the Blue Angel’s had achieved the ultimate model of trust-building. I wanted to know what propelled them to this reality and caught a critical insight when I watched them partake in their post-show debrief.
It was powerful to watch. Each team member critiqued the pilot in the hot seat and then rotated positions. There was a high level of gravitas to the process while at the same time a high level of comfort by all involved. Highly detailed information was given—some complimentary some constructive. Performance Management at its best!
All feedback was given with the same precision that you saw at the air show itself. The vocal delivery was non-emotional but did not lack passion and intention. No one either giving or receiving the feedback flinched. Nothing was held back. It could not be held back for if it was, something would go wrong in the future. But because they were able to develop so much trust though giving and receiving Open and Honest feedback they had become truly elite– something organizations should learn from and imitate. Thus the foundation of Performance Dialogue 360™ was born.
Please contact the Denisoff Consulting Group for a consult to see if your organization is ready to take the journey of Performance Dialogue 360™