Author Posts

Getting Feedback for Leaders Part 4: Reaching Out

As was said earlier in this series, it can be hard for managers to get candid and honest feedback.  The bigger your title, the less of a chance people will volunteer feedback to you, especially tough feedback. Great leaders set the stage early with the people they work with–their boss, peers and direct reports– so […]

Getting Feedback for Leaders Part 2

Great leaders are constantly looking for feedback.  And they are smart enough to realize that they have to take the initiative to get it.  If you wait for it to come to you, you will wait a while and if it finally shows up it probably will not be good news because it might be […]

Getting Feedback for Leaders Part 1

Feedback, as they say, is the breakfast of champions.  As leaders, it is critical to get feedback from a variety of sources both formally and informally.  Feedback keeps you grounded, provides opportunities for improvement and also endears people to you as a leader. The funny thing about feedback is that the higher you get promoted […]

Strategy Development Tips

I am just getting back from London after facilitating a three-day strategy session with one of my client’s Board.  Thankfully, it was an exceptional meeting and the seemingly large amount of work and tough decisions that had to be tackled were completed well, even with an element of grace. So today I wanted to reflect […]

Brand and Strategy

Over the past ten years much of my work has focused on developing and executing strategy.  It has been intense as those years have spanned the best in economic times and now the most challenging. During this time it has seemed like the much of the chatter at the strategy retreats, visioning sessions and business […]